Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Answer for Word Find Puzzle No. 2

1. a bit; a jot; a very small quantity; a very small degree {IOTA}
2. extremely loud {STENTORIAN}
3. unnecessary; useless; more than what is wanted {SUPERFLUOUS}
4. without preparation or premeditation; on the spur of the moment; in an extemporaneous manner {EXTEMPORE}
5. to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful especially on moral or practical grounds) {ESCHEW}
6. monetary gain; profit {LUCRE}
7. excessively scanty; inadequate; little; small; meager {EXIGUOUS}
8. threshold {LIMEN}
9. a person who is the recipient of honor or recognition for achievement in literature, art, or science {LAUREATES}
10. constant and careful in attention or application; diligent {ASSIDUOUS}
11. an impulse to wander or travel {WANDERLUST}
12. An icon, sign, person, animal, or object, adopted by a group, believed to bring good luck {MASCOT}
13. involving multiple academic, scientific, or artistic disciplines; involving multiple branches of learning {INTERDISCIPLINARY}
14. obstacle; obstruction {STYMIE}
15. A system or set of names, terms, or procedures used in a branch of science, art, or technology {NOMENCLATURE}
16. a fight with lances between two knights on horseback {JOUST}
17. the loyalty that people owe to their country; the loyalty that people owe to their sovereign {FEALTY}
18. full of gaiety; full of high-spirited fun; playful; sportive; rollicking {FROLICSOME}
19. a defensive encampment protected by a circle of armored vehicles or wagons {LAAGER}
20. festivity; merrymaking; revelry; conviviality {JOLLIFICATION}
21. a gnawing distress for wrongdoing; compunction; self-reproach {REMORSE}
22. a small usually triangular piece of land (as where two roads diverge) {GORE}
23. to make a careful investigation for information {DELVE}
24. to make or set free from obligation or service {AFFRANCHISE}
25. a religious recluse; hermit {EREMITE}
26. tending or enjoying to be in crowds and socializing {GREGARIOUS}
27. originally referred to the day of the full moon; but then, in the ancient Roman calendar, refers to the 15th day of March, May, July, or October, or the 13th of the other months {IDES}
28. an unimportant contrary movement or trend {EDDY}
29. the control of physical desires and bodily passions and appetites by self-denial, abstinence, fasting, etc. {MORTIFICATION}
30. Rumour; gossip {SCUTTLEBUTT}
31. A female sheep especially when mature {EWE}
32. Destruction of property or obstruction of normal operations in time of war {SABOTAGE}
33. to wound or injure (e.g. tissues) in a surgical operation, or by force or by thermal, chemical, etc. {TRAUMATIZE}
34. Relating to or resembling an epigram {EPIGRAMMATIC}
35. Surrounding with troops; harassment {BELEAGUERMENT}
36. Upside down; in confusion or disorder {TOPSYTURVY}